Our Quality Guarantee

At Lundy, our goal is to build furniture that will last for generations. When you purchase a piece from us you are not just a customer, but a lifelong friend and caretaker of one of our pieces. If there is any manufacturing defect with your piece we are committed to making it right.

Each piece is made to order, meaning your piece is individually crafted for you after your order is placed. We operate on a "queue" system, meaning each piece is build in order, one at a time. Lead times vary and our priority is always to deliver the highest quality piece possible.

The last mile is often the most important, and we work with a dedicated team of delivery specialists to ensure deliveries go smoothly. We offer a multiple shipping options to meet the needs and budgets of our customers.

Please note that shipping large and highly valuable furniture is hard, especially for a relatively small company like ours. While we do our best to compete with major chains, we do not take shortcuts and seek shipping options that provide the best customer experience and handling to ensure your new piece gets delivered without damage.

White glove delivery

White glove delivery service is our premium offering. A specialized team will deliver your order on a pre-scheduled date, and will move and unpack your order to the room of your choice and dispose of all packaging. Pricing for white glove delivery depends on your zip code, please send us a note for an exact price.

Curbside delivery

A more affordable option, curbside delivery will place your piece at your doorstep or building entrance, but will not unpack or remove any packaging.

Defects in our craftsmanship

We stand by our craftsmanship. In the extremely rare case that there is a defect in either our workmanship or wood materials, we will either refund, rebuild or replace your piece at our discretion.


We hope that each piece your purchase from us fits your home perfectly, and will spend a lot of time working with you during the order phase to make sure the design, fit, and finish match your exact criteria. If you still decide you are not satisfied with a standard Lundy piece, you can return it up to 90 after delivery for refund minus shipping costs and a 20% restocking fee.

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept returns on custom pieces.